Categories: international news

A Colombian couple spent 22 years in a manhole

The Dhaka Times Desk A Colombian couple has been living in a manhole for 22 years due to lack of housing. 62-year-old Magulin Restripo, his wife Maria Garcia and their dog are living happily in this manhole!

Even after staying in the manhole, one worry surrounds them all the time and that is when the government people will come and take them out of this manhole. 22 long years have surrounded them with this anxiety, but they are still doing well in the manhole of Medellin, Colombia.

This manhole is 10 feet in length and 4.5 feet in width and 6.5 feet in height. This place has a small kitchen, bed, chair, table, electric fan and color television. This couple is living happily and peacefully with all this.

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Made the manhole habitable. In 2012, the BBC aired a documentary on their lives. Magulin Restripo said in an interview in the documentary that he is very happy with his life. Sometimes I think I'm happier than the president of Colombia.

The life and happiness of Magulin Restripo and his wife shows many high-class people in the society that happiness does not require a million-dollar house, it requires a mindset of being satisfied with little things. The wealthy class living in many of our society's mansions have everything but happiness. Magulin Restripo has spent 22 years of his life happily with his wife in Manhole because he is happy.

See more in the video:

Source: New York Daily News | Photo blog NBC News

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২১, ২০২২ 9:45 am

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