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Speaker's meeting with Narendra Modi: Modi promises to implement Teesta-Border Agreement

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury held a meeting with India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday. Various bilateral issues were discussed in it. The new Prime Minister of India has promised to implement the Teesta-Border Agreement.

Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury went to India on May 26 as a representative of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to attend the swearing-in ceremony. A meeting was held with the new Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday. Several bilateral issues were discussed in the meeting which lasted for about 20 minutes. Among these, more importance is given to the Teesta water sharing and the unresolved border agreement with Bangladesh. After the meeting, it is said that the Indian government will take effective steps and it will be considered, said the new Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. Modi made this promise in the Hyderabad Bhavan meeting yesterday at 1:30 pm local time.

After the meeting, Shirin Sharmin told reporters in her hotel suite in New Delhi that the meeting was very fruitful. Modi has been congratulated for inviting the heads of government of SAARC countries to the swearing-in ceremony. He told reporters that he sees this as a unique step. He thinks that this will strengthen the bonds of friendship between SAARC countries.

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The speaker also said that the Teesta water agreement and enclave exchange agreement were also discussed in the meeting among many national issues. Shirin Sharmin said, Modi said he will look into these issues.

This post was last modified on মে ২৮, ২০১৪ 10:32 am

Staff reporter

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