The Dhaka Times
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TIB-ACC face-off: ACC warns of unmasking TIB

The Dhaka Times Desk TIB ACC has now come to a confrontational position. ACC warned TIB that they need to account for the funds they receive from abroad.


ACC Commissioner Md Sahabuddin said on Wednesday that Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) is purposefully campaigning against ACC. Their research reports lack transparency. A day will come when the ACC will not hesitate to unmask them too.

ACC Commissioner Md. Sahabuddin said this at the prize distribution ceremony of the Best Metropolitan/District/Upazila Anti-Corruption Committee Award 2013 at Shilpakala Academy.

ACC Commissioner Sahabuddin said, ACC's campaign against the corrupt is always continuing. Action is also being taken against government leaders. He said, despite all this, someone comments that ACC is a politically influenced institution. This is very sad.

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