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Translator is coming to Skype: talking to foreign friends is no longer a barrier!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many users from all over the world use Skype, but the biggest barrier is language. Now Skype is bringing translator facility to eliminate that problem.


Sitting on the other side of the internet, you speak in Bengali, and a thousand miles away, a foreign friend can hear you speaking in his own language. Such a dream has been cherished by many people for a long time, now Skype is going to bring such a translator facility, where if you speak in Bengali on one side of Skype, the friend on the other side will hear it translated in his own country's language.

Earlier, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced Skype's new translator feature in the presence of media reporters. Microsoft Corporation named this service 'Real Time Skype Translator' According to Nadella's announcement, this experimental version of Skype will be opened for the Windows 8 operating system by the end of this year.


It should be noted that Microsoft bought Skype for 8 billion dollars in May 2011, and since then, Microsoft has been reforming its various developments.

Microsoft held an event to show how the translator would work on Skype, where an English-speaking Microsoft official spoke on Skype with a German-speaking colleague.

Source: The Daily Mail

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