Categories: health talk

যে বদ অভ্যাসগুলো আপনাকে দ্রুত বৃদ্ধ করতে পারে

The Dhaka Times Desk Aging will overtake our bodies sooner or later. But if this aging comes before the specified time, it will definitely not look good in anyone's eyes. The first impression of aging on our body is on the skin. So if you give up some bad habits, this unwanted aging of the body can be removed easily.

1. Unnecessary eye rubbing

Dermatologists say that rubbing the eyes unnecessarily increases the chances of dark circles under the eyes. Because rubbing the eyes causes the skin of the eyes to become thin and droopy, which makes you look older than your normal age. Many people rub their eyes unnecessarily for comfort and this should be avoided.

2. awake at night

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Night waking is more common among young people. Facebooking and watching movies at night has become a trend among them. Lack of adequate sleep leads to aging of the body. Because this impression of lack of moderate sleep falls between the eyes. As a result, you will look older. So try to sleep moderately. It is good for the body as well as the skin.

3. smoking

Smoking is injurious to health, smoking can cause cancer - exact statistics on how much these bullies on cigarette packets can affect smokers are not yet known. But be aware that smoking can cause you to age faster. As a result of smoking, the necessary enzymes of the body are lost. As a result, the body ages quickly.

4. Addiction to sweets

Addiction to sweet or sugary foods can make you age. Because all these foods will help your body accumulate excess fat. As a result, obesity will make you look older. If you want your body, health and skin maturity, eat more fruits and vegetables.

5. emotional dissatisfaction

Dissatisfaction of not getting life, emotional dissatisfaction or anger towards others will make you more depressed. This kind of mental discomfort increases the amount of cortisol hormone in the body which will disturb your sleep. As a result, you will be more upset.

In addition, excessive exercise causes physical damage, especially by reducing the elasticity of the skin and spoiling the skin. Experts say that drinking cold drinks with a straw causes wrinkles around the face. This will make you look older.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 11:37 am

KA B Tohin

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