Categories: health talk

How to cure baldness with home remedies

The Dhaka Times Desk It turns into anxiety when the hair on the head starts to fall out. Many people suffer from baldness due to receding hair on the head or frontal part of the head. This baldness problem is as worrying as it is embarrassing. You can solve this problem by using some home remedies.

1. Coconut milk oil

Coconut milk is very effective for dandruff problems, hair loss and scalp. Grate the coconut and mix it with water and blend it well. Then strain this blend until it becomes coconut
the milk

Mix 20 ml of coconut oil, 10 ml of amlaki oil and two tablespoons of lemon juice with this coconut milk. Apply this oil twice a week on your head and keep it for a while and then wash it off with shampoo. In this, the problem of hair fall will go away along with the problem of dandruff. Also, olive oil mixed with this oil strengthens the roots of the hair.

2. Fenugreek and oil

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Fry in fenugreek oil and then mix with coconut oil. Then applying it on the head and massaging it will give good results. Head massage should be done at least three days a week.

3. henna

Since ancient times henna has been used very effectively to stop hair loss, change hair color. Mustard seeds mixed with henna will be more effective in stopping hair loss.

4. Olivewell

Mixing olive oil with honey or onion and applying it on the scalp will stop hair fall and strengthen the hair roots. Mix honey with olive oil and keep it on the whole head twice a week. Then shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Onion juice mixed with honey can be applied on the head.

5. Eggs and olive oil

Eggs and olive oil are always an effective way to stop hair fall, improve hair beauty. Applying a mixture of egg and olive oil on the head will increase hair growth, make it thicker and stop hair loss.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 11:33 am

KA B Tohin

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