Categories: international news

Most women cannot use their full maternity leave

The Dhaka Times Desk Research shows that most women do not use their full maternity leave. Because most of them are afraid of losing their jobs. Also in many cases they are encouraged to return to their workplace.

These facts have emerged from research by the UK's National Childbirth Trust. They found in their research that about 43 percent of women were asked to attend work from their workplace during their maternity leave. And 47 percent of women fear losing their jobs. Many women feel that this time is very important for their baby but they fear that they may lose their job due to competition in their workplace. Because their social position requires them to retain their jobs in current market conditions.

The chief researcher of NCT said, considering the economic situation, most women enter their workplace long before maternity leave. Because a part of their family's economic status depends on this job. Therefore, the NCT chief felt that the government should make a system such that paternity allowance is paid along with the husband's salary during the maternity period. As a result, the fear of increased family income will be removed. Maternity leave for women in the UK is 52 weeks. For the first 39 weeks they will be paid at a fixed rate.

But NCT's research shows that they return to their jobs much faster. Talking to some of the women, it was revealed that they had returned to their workplace in just two weeks. This picture is not unique to the UK. NCT claims that this is the case worldwide. This situation is more deplorable in third world countries including Bangladesh, India.

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Reference: Independent

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৭, ২০১৭ 9:16 pm

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