Categories: the knowledge

Questions of the ages: Is Einstein's brain different?

The Dhaka Times Desk Einstein is the father of modern physics. This incredibly talented scientist has advanced science a lot. Because of his depth of thought and intelligence, people are skeptical that Einstein's brain may have been different from the average. A 1985 study also indicated the same. But recent research has disproved this theory.

Einstein's brain is like ordinary people!

The reason Einstein's brain thought differently was because he was incredibly talented. He provided many complex theories that are the basis of modern physics. So many thought his brain was different not only functionally, but also structurally. Anyone who knows Einstein well is bound to think so.

The matter was not limited to mere thought. His brain was studied in 1985. After a series of tests, it is known that Einstein's brain has more glial cells. The function of glial cells is to accelerate the activity of neurons. As a result, the brain works intensely. For this reason, the scientists of that time showed Einstein's brain as different.

Dr. Terence Hines says otherwise. Recently he enthusiastically did a research on Einstein. He used all the data of the 1985 research in this work. Only one test out of every 28 tests back then was found to be correct. After testing with modern equipment, no difference was found between Einstein's brain and the brain of ordinary people.

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It is hard to say whether Einstein would have been happy or sad if he had known that people were doing so much research on his brain. However, it can be said that he suffered from a bit of complacency seeing that a talented scientist like him was not born until now.

Source: thetechjournal

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৩০, ২০১৪ 5:46 pm

ABM Noorullah

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