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Stories of some animals that have disappeared from the chest of the world

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we are going to bring you interesting news from around the world - hope you like it. Today there is news of some lost animals.

হারিয়ে যাওয়া প্রাণীগুলো…

There were several gigantic animals on earth. Like the dinosaurs, they have been lost to time. Humans are behind their disappearance.

tasmanian tiger

The Tasmanian tiger or Thylacine was the name of a known carnivore. In the 20th century they were found in Australia and New Guinea to some extent. However, it was also called the Tasmanian Wolf. Before the European colonization of the Thylacine continent, it was found in Australia and later in various islands. It is believed to have been extinct since 1936.

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Caspian tiger

Caspian Tiger was found in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Which was declared extinct around 1970. This species of tiger was the third largest tiger in the world. Male tigers of this species used to weigh 169-240 kg and female tigers used to weigh 85-135 kg. However, some experts believe that this animal still exists.

Stellar's Sea Cow

The Ormerly species was found off the coast of the Asiatic sea, discovered in 1741 by the naturalist ‡eorg Steller. This animal was about 7.9 meters. It was three tons heavier than the manatee or du gong. According to Steller, this creature never comes ashore, living eternally in the water. Its skin is black and thick, like the bark of an old oak tree. But surprisingly it has no teeth. Animals such as the StellerÕs Sea Cow from Greenland still exist in some species, thus indicating that even a small fraction of this animal may have survived to the present day. This is still unproven. However, it has been declared extinct since 1768.

Kuaga: half zebra, half horse

Quagga is a rare extinct animal of the African continent. This animal seems to be a very unimaginable creature. But this too was once common. However, it was found once in the Cape Province of South Africa and was a rare occurrence. The first half of this creature looked like a zebra but the back half looked like a horse. It is believed to have been extinct since 1883. It was identified as a species of animal in 1788. A Quagga was last found in the 1870s and was preserved in the Artis Magistra zoo. But the last animal found died on August 12, 1883. However, the Smithsonian Institution recently announced that the animal was not a separate species but one similar to the common zebra.


Aurochs This animal was once a famous animal in Europe. which was found in India and some other Asian countries. In 1564 gamekeepers could only count 38 animals according to royal statistics. However, in 1627, this animal was declared completely extinct.

Great ak

The Great Auk was a species of penguin found on the islands and countries of the Atlantic Ocean. But these are extinct today. They were 75 centimeters or 30-40 inches when standing. They used to weigh about 5 kg. They were previously found and hunted in large numbers in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Ireland and Britain. But since 1844 they have been declared extinct.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৩, ২০১৭ 3:09 pm

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