The Dhaka Times
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Samsung has launched the big screen Samsung Galaxy W

The Dhaka Times Desk Believing in the principle that big means more, Samsung has launched the Samsung Galaxy W with a large screen smartphone. It is Samsung's biggest phone to date. It looks like a tablet PC but can be called by it. Its biggest surprise is that it uses fourth generation internet technology.


Currently this set is only available in South Korea. The aspect ratio of this seven-inch Galaxy W is split into 16:9, with a resolution of 1280*720. Flux leather effect has been used on the back. It was first seen on the Galaxy Note 3. The colors of these leathers are black, white and red. The Samsung Galaxy W has many more features that were used in the Galaxy Note. These include split screen effects, pop-up videos and other multi-tasking options that allow two apps to run side by side.


Its other distinctive features are 1.25 GHz processor, 1.5 GB RAM. And its internal memory is 16 GB. It also has an 8-megapixel camera. 3200 mAh battery is used for this big screen. But the interesting thing is that it uses Android 4.3 operating system. But the upcoming Galaxy S5 uses Android 4.4.2 operating system.


Samsung has priced the $ at $490 in Bangladeshi taka, which is priced at Tk 38,220. Samsung is planning to bring a few more surprises this year, including releasing its first Tizen smartphone in Russia later this year. Samsung claims that with Tizen they will fight the Android operating system.

Reference: The Senate

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