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Eliminating restlessness is an important way to increase endurance

The Dhaka Times Desk The antidote to restlessness is patience. It is a major component of human characteristics. A person who can be patient can improve in any field of life. But impatience leads to man's downfall. Now speaking, what will happen to those who are not patient by nature?


There are many types of meditation currently in vogue to increase endurance. Although many are skeptical about their success. Besides, a paid psychiatrist may be able to give good advice. But the biggest thing in this case is yourself. You can become one of the patient ones if you want very strongly and try sincerely. If you want to increase your endurance, here are some very important tips:

Positive attitude:

A very effective way to have patience, keep a positive attitude in all aspects of life. This will make the restless behavior disappear. Besides, you will be interested to see what will happen in the future because of your positive mindset. Which will make you patient.

Speak and think:

Think before you say anything. What can be the reaction to it? Should be said. This thinking is patience. Remember, your tone of voice will tell if you are patient. So speak and think.

Eat slowly

Impatient and fast eating will make your digestion abnormal and cause obesity. Big deal, it will increase your volatility. So try to eat slowly. Brain function will improve along with digestion. Take a step forward in the battle to increase your endurance.

Determine the importance of:

Determine the importance of tasks in daily activities. Keep the important things in mind and resolve to do them. Perform tasks on time. This will reduce the inner restlessness of the mind.

Explain yourself:

You have to wait to get anything. There is no alternative. The sooner you understand this, the more patience you will gain. So think to yourself, what is the best achievement in life. Did you have to wait to get it? But why not now? On the other hand, keep what you have lost to impatience and restlessness tied to the canvas of your mind.

Be realistic:

Even if the reality is difficult, you have to have the mindset to accept it. It should be understood that what was meant to happen happened. What will happen in the future, will happen. There is no point in fussing about it. But try to do something good.

Have confidence in yourself:

You have to trust yourself in any matter. Do not lose confidence in any way. If you don't have confidence in yourself, patience will be a foreign language. Worry about fever after a lot of cancer.

Get used to hard work

Tasks that you don't find difficult; Get used to them instead of staying away from them. Avoiding what you have to do sooner or later is nothing but foolish.

If you want to make yourself as a beautiful and ideal person, first increase patience. For this practice the above points. Always remember, hard work pays off.

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