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Asus Transformer Book V has a laptop, tab and smartphone at the same time!

The Dhaka Times Desk If you thought a tab and a laptop were good together, Asus' new Transformer Book V will shock you. Recently, the company brought a surprising device at the Computex 2014 conference. It is a wonderful combination of laptop, tab and smartphone at the same time. It is called five in one.

asus-transformer-book-v-laptop-tablet-smartphone-640x353 (1)

Five in one
1. First of all it is a windows laptop
2. When the keyboard is removed, it becomes a tab running the Windows operating system
3. Behind the display is a smartphone slot that houses an Asus smartphone running the Android operating system
4. By placing the smartphone in the slot, the device becomes an Android laptop
5. Remove the keyboard and it becomes an Android tablet



Asus Transformer Book V has an Intel Core processor. The main device has a 12.5-inch high definition IPS display (some say 1920x1080 and some say 1366x768). It has 4 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD memory. Interestingly, its keyboard has 1 terabyte of storage. There is a touchpad. Its battery will have a capacity of 28 watt-hours. Its weight is 700-800 grams.

The connected smartphone has a 5-inch display. This phone also has 2500 mAh battery, 2 GB RAM, 8 megapixel rear camera and 2 megapixel front camera. It is the world's first device based on 64-bit Intel Atom quad-core processor.


The price of this Asus Transformer Book V package will be quite high. It is expected to cost between 1500 and 2000 dollars.

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