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More rocket launchers and machine guns recovered from Satchari in Habiganj

The Dhaka Times Desk After recovering a large quantity of rocket launchers and machine guns yesterday, RAB recovered more rocket launchers and machine guns from Satchari in Habiganj today.

Rocket launchers and machine guns recovered

It is known that RAB has recovered 8 more rocket launchers, 4 machine guns and weapons and ammunition from Satchari National Park in Habiganj's Chunarughat on Wednesday morning.

RAB members started the operation in Satchari National Park of Chunarughat Upazila from late night on Monday. RAB personnel at one stage of the operation found the base of Indian separatist outfit United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA).

It is to be noted that RAB recovered a large quantity of heavy weapons including at least 200 rocket launchers and mortar shells on Tuesday afternoon. Weapons were stored in at least 7 bunkers. These bunkers were made by digging underground.

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