Categories: international news

Bear Grylls' new show 'The Island' is criticized by the audience!

The Dhaka Times Desk Channel Four has already come under fire for a recent episode of Bear Grylls' new show The Island. In this show two islanders create some painfully negative situations. Viewers of the show say the scene is as funny as it is sickening.

Based on the negative ratings and criticism from the viewers, the producer of the show has been accused of portraying such negative scenes due to the fact that the show is acting on a created platform. This show by Bear Grylls is a struggle to survive in a competitive island. But the five contestants of the competition have already claimed that much of the show is fake. While the show featured real island issues, the two contestants had an awkward scene in the gut. Some doctors have introduced a method to overcome this problem by attaching a bottle to a rubber tube, which annoys the audience.

One viewer wrote on Twitter that it was so awkward to see someone put their rear end inside that pipe. The Island with Bare Gills is a really boring dirty show. Besides, many more viewers wrote on the show's Twitter page right after the airing of this episode that the show is making them sick. It should close now. Note that Bear Grylls' show had good viewership ratings in the beginning, but after a few episodes, its ratings began to decline. Recently, viewers have completely lost faith in the show due to this incident.

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Earlier, an animal protection organization called Oxfam complained that various animals were killed inhumanely in Bear's show. Which is a threat to animal conservation. They had earlier claimed to take legal action against the show for killing a crocodile in an episode. According to them, this show is violating broadcasting laws.

Reference: The Daily Mail

This post was last modified on জুন ৫, ২০১৪ 1:24 pm

KA B Tohin

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