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Google is now bringing super secure email to the security of user accounts

The Dhaka Times Desk Google is bringing in super secure security system to fully ensure the assurance of its users' accounts. Google says it will be the ultimate security and privacy system for accounts.


Google has named it end-to-end encryption. This will be an extreme system where no one can pry into the user's personal account. Google will convert the user's email into a code and then send the code to the user in plain text if the user is actually a subscriber to the account.

This system will not make it possible for hackers to steal user's personal information. Google has introduced this security feature for its users in response to recent US intelligence agencies snooping into users' personal mail. The National Security Agency recently hit many private accounts in the United States. The NSA began conducting this activity when former NSA member Edward Snowden leaked sensitive information about his security agency to journalists.


Google said, we are introducing this encryption system for some specialized messages. The message will be encrypted to protect any sensitive message from various malicious aspects. Only its user will see it in plain text. Google believes that this will ensure that users get their messages quickly without hassles.

How does Google's message encryption work?

Let's say you want to send someone a sensitive message via mail. In normal postal system, once you close the mouth of the envelope, no one can open the lock. Similarly, your mail will be locked with Google's super encryption. Hackers will not be able to open this lock. Now this lock has a key that Google has. After the user receives his email, Google will give him this key and the user will be able to read his email.

Google hopes that this new security system will provide full security to users' accounts.

Reference: CNN

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