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Scientists say the black hole at the center of our galaxy is actually a wormhole

The Dhaka Times Desk Two researchers from Fudan University in Shanghai, China, have proposed that the black hole at the center of our galaxy is actually a wormhole. Wormholes are another phenomenon in physics that is theoretically possible to exist but has not been determined in practice.

Einstein-Rosen Rainbow-Bridge-Antahkarana-worm-hole

Scientists now call all these black holes in space, most of them wormholes. Wormholes have similar properties to blackholes. The concept of the space-time continuum first emerged with the theoretical discovery of wormholes. Scientists say that if you enter a wormhole, you will find yourself on the other side of it in another space and time. Although this journey seems like only a few seconds to you, you may find yourself centuries later. Also, if you enter a wormhole, you can see yourself in a different dimension. This matter is theoretically called a parallel universe. Our world is a three-dimensional world. We determine the position of something through three dimensions, these three dimensions are length, width and height.


Scientists say it may be possible to connect to multiple universes through this wormhole. A surprising concept of quantum mechanics is parallel universes or multiple universes. It is believed that these parallel universes were created through inflation or bubbles at the beginning of the universe. Cosimo Bambi and Jilong Li, two researchers from Fudan University, said that their research will enable detection of wormholes. If this research comes to light, it will be the most amazing discovery of this century that will bring us a whole new world.

Reference: TechJournal

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