Hands on the head of thieves: stolen smartphones can no longer be used anywhere in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk With the advancement of technology, the use of smart phones is becoming a necessity. Because everything from bank transactions to home security can be done through smart phones. So people are leaning towards using smart phones. However, since smart phones are more expensive than normal phones, they are also prone to theft. Fortunately, technology has been developed to disable the phone by blocking the identity.

Oracle launches identity register software 'Communication Eagle' for smartphones. This method will work globally by blocking the IMEI code. This initiative has been taken mainly to prevent smartphone theft.

Organizations using Oracle's software can easily blacklist the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) code of their customers' smartphones in a central registry. Blacklisted smartphones will no longer work on any network. It will be pretty much a dead set. So the trend of smartphone theft will decrease.

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Note that all blacklisted mobile or electronics devices in the world are registered in the Central Equipment Identity Registrar or CIER. This central register is managed by GSMA International. Oracle authorities said, through this new software of Oracle, Communication Service Provider (CSP) organizations can easily connect their customer information to this central database.

If Oracle is fully operational, smart phone thieves will have their hands full. Apart from stealing smart phones, they have to do other tricks.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩০, ২০২৪ 11:37 am

ABM Noorullah

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