Google has started making 3D tablet computer

The Dhaka Times Desk Google revealed last Thursday that it is working on a 3D tablet computer with motion sensing capabilities. Google's project is called Tango.


According to Google, the main goal of their Tango project is to take mobile devices to a level where their space and motion can be understood at a human level. This means that the touch of a mobile device can act like the normal movement of our brain. Google has linked them to this Tango project with various universities, research labs and various industrial partners spread across nine countries around the world. Through this project, Google is expanding their ideas beyond just targeting the development of mobile devices. Google has realized that within a few years robotics will take over the technology world. So the journey of this Tango project of Google with the aim of being ahead in the race of this technology.

Google has already developed Nvidia chips with voice recognition capabilities that will be distributed to developers so they can create apps that work with 3D motion. Many Californian technology companies have already joined this project, including the world-renowned Amazon has joined the project to develop 3D graphics for's Kindle smartphones.

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Amazon is releasing the Kindle smartphone on the 18th of this month to give an idea of the new development of this new project. Amazon is already sending invitations to people from different countries around the world through their website. Tech experts say that Amazon is launching Kindle smartphones along with their Kindle devices. This will not put them in competition with Apple or Google but will be a new chapter in Apple's music, movie sales and Google's book sales.

Reference: Times of India

This post was last modified on জুন ৮, ২০১৪ 4:47 pm

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