Categories: special news

7 Bangladeshi sailors were released after 3 and a half years

The Dhaka Times Desk Prison life and free life are different experiences in human life. 7 Bangladeshi sailors who faced such an experience were freed from Somali pirates after 3 and a half years. This is like getting them a new life back.

7 Bangladeshi sailors released after 3 and a half years - this was the special news of Bangladesh news media yesterday. Because for 3 and a half years there was no trace of them. Not only the family, but the whole country was happy with the news of their sudden return. Even if they are not related to that family, the countrymen are very happy that the 7 families will get their loved ones back. And so it was the main topic of discussion in the talk shows apart from the news in the media. After 3 and a half years, those 7 Bangladeshi sailors were released from the hands of Somali pirates. They were flown to the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, on a special plane by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Currently they are staying in a hotel there. Their health is being checked. Later they will be sent to Bangladesh.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a circular on Saturday that 7 Bangladeshi sailors who were freed from pirates in Somalia are in good health. According to the Bangladesh Embassy in Kenya, after being released, the health of the 7 people was examined at the Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi. They have been put up in a local hotel.

Notably, in November 2010, Somali pirates abducted these 7 Bangladeshi sailors from a ship named MV Albedo owned by Malaysia. At that time the news about the matter was circulated in the media but it stopped later. Everyone assumed that they might have been killed. The matter stopped then. Since these sailors came from simple village families, there was no more propaganda about the issues. The matter would have come up in the upper echelon if the press conference was held in the hall of the conscious society of the city. But the abduction of 7 sailors remained silent. In such a situation, the issue of rescuing 7 sailors yesterday has become a widespread discussion at home and abroad.

This post was last modified on জুন ৮, ২০১৪ 11:23 am

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