Categories: sport

World Cup tikitaki: Brazil coach Scolari wants to see Brazil-Argentina in the final

The Dhaka Times Desk  The tension is increasing as the time is approaching. Brazil's coach Luis Felipe Scolari wants to see Brazil-Argentina in the finals of this World Cup. He made such comments to the journalists.

As the World Cup approaches, various comments have started. There is no end to the research about which team will play well or which team will reach or be able to reach the finals. Just a few days before the start of the World Cup, Brazil's coach Luis Felipe Scolari wants to see Brazil-Argentina in the World Cup final or he expects these two teams to play in the final.

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This time, South American host Brazil and neighboring Argentina are considered hot favorites for the World Cup title in Brazil. Scolari's statement suggests he is looking forward to the Brazil-Argentina clash for the final at the Maracana on July 13. However, he also hopes to win the final and bring Brazil the sixth World Cup title.

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Brazil coach Luiz Felipe Scolari said, 'We are not worried about Argentina at all. I am dreaming of a Brazil-Argentina final, which could be a completely different final game between the two South American countries. He thinks that the players of both the teams have tactical skills.

In 2002, Brazil's World Cup-winning coach Luiz Felipe Scolari wished arch-rival Argentina well, saying, 'Argentina say goodbye before the final - I never want that.

Countless fans of Bangladesh are also hoping that this wish of Scolari will come true. And if that is true, the people of the world will see a dream final game in the World Cup.

It should be noted that Brazil and Argentina have faced each other a total of 95 times. Argentina won 36 times and Brazil 35 times. Brazil, which is behind in terms of numbers, wants to beat Argentina and stay ahead.

This post was last modified on জুন ১৫, ২০১৪ 6:19 pm

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