Categories: international news

Floods in Afghanistan: Death toll may exceed 100

The Dhaka Times Desk It is feared that the death toll may exceed 100 due to severe floods in Afghanistan. Many houses have been submerged in this sudden flood. Thousands of people have been left homeless.

At least 73 people lost their lives in the first day of this sudden flood in Baghlan Province, a remote area in the northern part of Afghanistan. At least two hundred people are missing. Thousands of cattle were washed away. Thousands of people have become homeless. Quoting the local administration, the international news media reported that the death toll in the flood occurred in Gujargah-e Noor district, about 150 kilometers north of the provincial capital, Puli Khumri. Most of the women and children lost their lives in that province. At least 200 others are missing.

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Local officials termed the floods as a 'terrible disaster', saying more than 2,000 homes were washed away. Regional and national highways were also flooded.

Four villages in Gujargah-e-Noor district were badly affected by the floods, the police chief of Baghlan province told the BBC. Almost all the roads and bridge-culverts in the district are under flood water. There is not even the slightest dry place for helicopters to reach relief.

It is known that flood victims now need adequate fresh water, medicine and life saving food. It is being seen as the 'terrible disaster' of all time. Because the common people have lost their land, cattle and even their homes in this severe flood. Meanwhile, responding to the provincial government's call to deal with the disaster, the central government of Afghanistan has come down with maximum cooperation.

According to various media, after this sudden flood, the people of those affected areas are running for shelter in nearby places.

This post was last modified on জুন ৮, ২০১৪ 4:45 pm

Staff reporter

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