Categories: generalhealth talk

How to take care of your skin this summer

The Dhaka Times Desk It is very hot. And because of the heat, the body sweats constantly. Sweating can damage your skin. But if you say so, it will not happen if you sit. If you take care of your skin by following some rules, you can stay healthy and beautiful.

Due to going out of the house in the harsh sun of this time, various skin problems are caused. But you can take care of your skin very easily by adopting a few ways. If you follow these rules, it is possible to stay fresh even in summer.

Carry a bottle of water

Keep a water bottle with you whenever you go out for any work. The body can become dehydrated very quickly due to walking around in the hot sun. And for that reason, to prevent dehydration in the body, it is necessary to drink more water. That's why always keep water with you when you leave the house.

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Use an umbrella to protect yourself from the sun

The sun is shining at this time. This sun causes profuse sweating. And salt and water all come out with sweat. And so keep an umbrella with you to protect your head and scalp from the intense sun. However, women can wear a scarf or cap if they wish. You can get some relief from the sun. In general, care should be taken so that direct sunlight does not fall on your head. Due to intense sun directly on the head, the brain is damaged and we get tired very easily.

Eat more watery foods

Be sure to increase the amount of drinks in the menu this summer. Try foods that contain bananas. Try to stay away from dry foods especially those that absorb water from the body. Drink twice as much water as other times. Also eat more of anything liquid like fruit juice, canned water, saline etc. Eat water-rich fruits that contain water.

How to protect the skin

But one thing to keep in mind is that due to heat we try to wear short clothes. But it should not be done at all. Because even if it is hot, wearing long clothes is good for the skin. The sun will not hit the skin directly. However, if it is too hot, you may have special difficulty in reading covered clothes. In that case, you must use sunscreen with good and high SPF levels on the skin. It will keep the skin moist.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১২, ২০১৮ 1:57 pm

Laila Haque

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