Categories: health talk

Give up some bad habits: Keep yourself full of vitality

The Dhaka Times Desk Lack of sleep is not the only cause of energy loss from the body. There are many other physical factors that can cause your body to lose energy. There are things you can do in your daily routine that can alleviate this energy deficiency in your body.

Let's find out what kind of bad habits you can eliminate your physical deficiencies and keep yourself healthy. As a result, your working day can be more pleasant.

1. Not doing physical exercise

If you avoid one of your daily activities thinking it will drain your energy. But think you went against the job. A study from the University of Georgia showed that if we spend only 20 minutes of physical exercise every day, it can fully utilize the energy of our daily food. Because daily exercise makes our body stronger.

2. If you don't drink enough water

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If you become slightly dehydrated, you will feel much weaker. Research has shown that out of the 60 percent water in our body, if only 2 percent of the water is lost through sweat, it will consume a lot of energy in the body. As a result you will become weak. Researchers say that the mixed oxygen in the water spreads through the blood to different parts of the body and helps your body burn energy, thus giving you energy.

3. If you don't have enough iron in your body

When there is a lack of iron in the body, lethargy, irritability comes in us. When there is a lack of iron in the body, the supply of oxygen to the blood is disrupted. Oxygen cannot reach the brain cells as a result of which the body becomes sluggish. Lack of iron can cause anemia in the body. Beef, carob seeds, egg yolks contain a lot of iron. You can eat them to increase iron in the body.

4. If your breakfast is not done properly

Food is our body's fuel. When you fall asleep, your dinner is spent to keep your body blood flowing and oxygen flowing. So when you wake up in the morning your body needs to refuel and this fuel comes from the morning meal so our morning meal is very necessary for the body.

5. If you are more addicted to junk food

According to the glycemic index, junk foods increase the amount of carbohydrates in the body, resulting in an increase in blood sugar. So junk food should be avoided as much as possible. You can eat whole grains to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

6. If you are addicted to coffee

Experts say, three cups of coffee every day will remove the sluggishness of your body and make you dynamic. But if you're addicted to too much coffee, it can disrupt your performance. Because caffeine can disrupt your sleep. Due to the adenosine enzyme in the brain, our body gets tired and we fall asleep. Caffeine blocks this adenosine.

7. Checking email while sleeping

In this era of tablets and smartphones, many people access email and social media throughout the day while sleeping. This should not be done because one notification from all these emails or social media is enough to disturb your sleep. So try to avoid this tendency.


This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 11:19 am

KA B Tohin

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