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Save your life from the mouth of the terrible shark!

The Dhaka Times Desk In Japan, a 43-year-old man survived a deadly shark attack. But he was seriously injured. Officials of the country reported this information.


Sharks go crazy with the smell of human blood, they can smell human blood from miles away. If one unfortunately falls into the mouth of these sharks, it becomes difficult to get back with one's life. Numerous shark attacks occur around the world every year. This time, a surfer in Japan was attacked by a shark and narrowly managed to save his life.

According to the report of the news agency AFP, Tsuyoshi Takahashi, the lifeguard of surfers, fell into the mouth of a shark while surfing with his colleagues on the Pacific coast of Japan last Sunday afternoon. The shark was swimming right below Tsuyoshi Takahashi while swimming, but no one noticed the shark's presence. The shark was looking for an opportunity to make a meal of the surfers. Before Tsuyoshi Takahashi knew it, he became a victim of the shark's terrible bite.

Officials said the shark had planted sharp teeth in Takahashi's left hand. After being rescued, he was rushed to the hospital. He had to get 30 stitches. The doctors said that he is now out of danger.

Locals say that shark attacks do not usually happen on this coast of Japan. The last attack occurred in 1995. But why the water monster is suddenly attacking people like this is not sure now.

Source: Sky News

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