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7 children die after eating litchi in India: Cause of deadly virus

The Dhaka Times Desk It is natural that children are more attracted to the seasonal fruit litchi. But when this litchi turns deadly, it becomes impossible to accept it. This is what happened in India. 7 children died after eating litchi infected with deadly virus.

deadly virus

This incident happened in Maldah district of West Bengal, India. At least 7 children have died after eating litchi infected with the deadly virus. The media reported that the unknown virus was detected by testing the litchis. According to the media, this infection known as 'lychee syndrome' is caused by eating litchi infected with the virus. These litchis cause death to the person who eats them immediately after eating them.

The 7 children who died in West Bengal's Maldah district in India are said to be between 2 and 4 years old. They were admitted to Maldah Medical College Hospital when their condition worsened after consuming litchi. But in the end they could not be saved.

The media also said that the price of litchi has come down a lot due to the good yield in Malda this year. Due to this, the general public is more inclined towards litchi litchi.

After scientific tests, it can be seen that the virus entering the body from these lychees goes to the head and causes secretion in the brain. This causes the head to swell and the victim dies due to this.

It should be noted that in our country recently, many problems are being caused to the human body due to the use of harmful medicines including formalin as a result of mango, kathal, litchi and watermelon. Several people have died after eating watermelon in Kushtia this year.

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