The Dhaka Times Desk Not all pregnancies last nine months (40 weeks) and not all babies are born In some cases, the womb is destroyed on its own, called a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. A fetus is usually destroyed due to spontaneous abortion, induced abortion, medical abortion, surgical/instrumental abortion etc.
Let's take a look at some unknown facts about abortion that you may not know.
If you think miscarriage is an accident then you would be wrong, miscarriages are often caused by natural causes. 151 TP3T mothers suffer abortion worldwide.
Did you know you could have miscarried without knowing it? Miscarriage can occur without your knowledge within the first 10 days of pregnancy. Bleeding is a very common symptom. Women may mistake it for a period. But if there is ever excessive bleeding, do not take any risk and contact the doctor. While not preventing miscarriage, it can prevent other health problems and infections.
There is a perception in our society that premature abortions are caused by the carelessness of the mother, in fact it is mainly due to abnormalities in the fetus, which are difficult to diagnose in advance and are not the fault of the mother. So, change the mindset.
If you are a bit older, you have to be careful. Remember that older women have a higher risk of miscarriage. Because ovarian age increases the rate of genetic abnormalities.
Premature miscarriage has little to do with your sex life, exercise or regular light work. But it is better to be careful. Because unprotected sex during the first three months of pregnancy increases the rate of miscarriage.
Remember that a woman will have an abortion only once in her life! Once a miscarriage occurs there is a possibility of more miscarriages, so if a miscarriage occurs once, consult a doctor.
The possibility of miscarriage is very high in those who think that they are not having children and take special treatment. Fertility treatments and medications at an older age for childbearing can also increase the risk of miscarriage.
Miscarriage can also be caused by direct or indirect smoking. So don't smoke yourself and avoid being around smokers.
Being overweight can lead to miscarriage in addition to various health problems! Such as diabetes, which is caused by excess weight. It is one of the leading causes of miscarriage.
The experience of miscarriage is a sad one for any woman. So be careful, stay healthy, keep your unborn guest healthy too!
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 11:09 am
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