The Dhaka Times
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A child in the United States has earned a secondary graduate degree in just ten years!

The Dhaka Times Desk Tanishka Abraham, a prodigy of Indian origin, graduated from a secondary school in the United States at the age of ten. Recently, through a ceremony, this boy was handed over the secondary school pass certificate.


The boy named Tanishka Abraham was tutored. In the United States this system of education is called home school. This boy lives in Sacramento, California. He was presented with the certificate in a grand ceremony at a museum in California. He was homeschooled from the age of seven. Last March she appeared for the Central Madhyamik Examination and achieved amazing results there.


"I was quite worried about the outcome because of the bureaucratic complications," he said at the certification ceremony. But I tried a lot. Now I am happy because I have succeeded and got Madhyamik certificate. Tanishka Abraham had previously scored very well in the Scholastic Aptitude Test or SAT. When asked about her future plans, she said, "After a few semesters, I want to finish my studies at a community college." After completing my college studies, I want to get an Associates degree from a university.

Tanishka Abraham is interested in taking admission in University of California, St. Davis to study medicine. He dreams of becoming the president of the state in the future. But he is more interested in his goal to be a scientist in the field of science especially medical science.

Reference:ABC News

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