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The World Cup is going on: Bangladesh Embassy in Brazil due to manpower crisis

The Dhaka Times Desk The very important Bangladesh Embassy in Brazil has been operating for two years with only two officers. Since its inception in June 2012, only 1 second secretary has been posted to the capital of the South American economic superpower along with the ambassador.

Brazil is one of the countries of BRICS, an intercontinental economic forum made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. About 4,000 Bangladeshis currently live in the country. In the past years, they came to this country through different routes, but in the coming days, this Brazil is the gateway to the immense potential of Bangladeshi legal manpower. An excellent market for RMG i.e. Bangladeshi Garments has already been created here. Bangladesh made t-shirts, short-pants and many other items are in great demand in the Brazilian market.

It is only a matter of time before a profitable market for Bangladesh Made Medicine is created in Brazil like neighboring countries Chile-Bolivia. Brazil is the world's leading soybean exporter. The country topped the US in the last session. Brazilian soybeans are also going to Bangladesh, but Bangladeshi traders will benefit more if they open their eyes and ears, they also know this very well. Brazil is a country rich in natural resources. Copper is the third most used metal in the world. Millions of dollars worth of Brazilian copper exports to countries in Europe and Asia are used in modern industries.

The time has come for the Bangladesh government to start a new era in Brazil-Bangladesh bilateral economic and trade relations. High profile diplomat M Shamim Ahsan has been in charge of the embassy since its inception. This talented diplomat in his student life was employed as the Ambassador of Bangladesh in Iran and High Commissioner in Brunei Darussalam before joining the then newly established embassy in Brasilia in 2012. In addition to serving in various important positions in New Delhi, Geneva, Kuala Lumpur and New York in a illustrious career of 27 years, he has successfully held various high positions in the Dhaka 'Chief of Protocol' and the Foreign Office.

Speaking to this reporter on Friday, June 13, Ambassador M Shamim Ahsan said, "We have had to work through many limitations for the past two years. Brazil is a country where the English language is almost non-existent in offices and courts. We have had to take some time to expand the scope of the embassy in this country of immense potential, but we are on the road to success. Various retail shops in the capital, São Paulo, as well as many importing establishments elsewhere. Ambassador M. Shamim Ahsan is largely responsible for the creation of a market for Bangladeshi products across Brazil after extensive groundwork.

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Even in the 'Made in Bangladesh' tide around the ongoing World Cup, he has used his talent and efficiency with success. When asked if he considers this achievement of the RMG sector as an achievement of the embassy as well as his own, this professional diplomat, who is very averse to publicity, said, "Actually, I don't want to say it exactly like that, but the main thing is that we are working and getting benefits." Since the establishment of the embassy, Brazil has When asked if a commercial counselor was needed in such a country, Ambassador M Shamim Ahsan said, "It is not enough to send an officer from Dhaka, to be successful here, someone should come with minimum Portuguese language skills."

Second Secretary Alauddin Bhuya is the only officer accompanying the ambassador in Brasilia. This hardworking young officer told this reporter, "After the establishment of the embassy two years ago, we had to run the embassy from a hotel room in the capital for the first 9 months."

Therefore, now is the real time to strengthen Bangladesh's commercial and economic relations with Brazil, modernization and capacity-building of Bangladesh Embassy in Brazil is the need of the hour.

Mainul Islam Nasim
Freelance Journalist
CEO & Founder, Worldwide Bangladesh Community (WBC)

This post was last modified on জুন ১৯, ২০১৪ 10:03 am


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