Categories: sport

Some rare photos of Lionel Messi with his girlfriend

The Dhaka Times Desk Is Lionel Messi the biggest star in world football? How is his personal life? Who is his favorite person? Not many people know, today we will see some rare pictures of Lionel Messi with Messi's girlfriend Antonella Roccossa.

Lionel Messi, who is undergoing rehabilitation in Argentina to recover from stress ahead of the World Cup, celebrated the New Year with girlfriend Antonella Roccossa. At that time, Messi was seen to be in a very good mood with his girlfriend.

A photo posted on his Facebook account shows Messi playing the guitar with girlfriend Antonella Roccossa. In this regard, Messi's girlfriend wrote on her Facebook that our new year has started very well, in this case Antolia also wrote, let's welcome the year with a little music. Apart from playing Messi, his girlfriend also told the media that he is weak towards music.

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এদিকে মেসি ইতালি ভ্রমণ কালে একবার বলেছিলেন, তার বান্ধবী আনতোনেল্লা রোকুজ্জো চর্মগোলক নিয়ে ২২ জনের ছোটাছুটি মোটেও পছন্দ করেন না। এককথায়, ‘ফুটবল খেলাটা রোকুজ্জো পছন্দ করে না। ঘরণী রোকুজ্জোর ব্যাপারে প্রশ্ন করতেই লাজুক হাসি উপহার দেন মেসি। তারপর বলেন, ‘সে ফুটবল পছন্দ করে না। বাসায় ফিরে আমি কখনোই বলি না, আজ দুই গোল করেছি কিংবা হ্যাটট্রিক করেছি।’

Meanwhile, a few days ago on Antonella Roccuzzo's 26th birthday, Messi also wished his girlfriend on Facebook and Twitter. He wrote, 'Happy birthday darling!!! I love you!!!' Along with greetings, Messi also posted a picture of himself with his girlfriend. In that picture, the Argentine football superstar was seen in a cheerful mood.

The two have been close since childhood. When the couple's relationship first came to light in 2008, Messi admitted it. However, in 2012, the couple met their first child. When Thiago Messi appeared to light up their house.

Check out some more pictures of the beloved star below-

This post was last modified on জুন ২১, ২০১৪ 4:52 pm


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