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Narayanganj Seven Murders: Noor Hossain was royal in Kolkata

The Dhaka Times Desk Noor Hossain, the main accused in the Narayanganj Save murder incident that killed 7 families, was in royal condition in Kolkata. All night there was wine and beer and boisterous dancing. This is how his last one month has passed.

Noor Hossain was the monarchNoor Hossain was the monarch

Narayanganj City Corporation Panel Mayor Councilor Nazrul Islam, lawyer Chandan Sarkar and 7 people were first kidnapped and later brutally murdered. Noor Hossain fled to Kolkata amid the cries of the 7 families who died. Went there and rented a house and started living in San-Soak. Not only that, there was Noor Hossain in various entertainments including wine parties. Various news media including Indian news media have given these news.

The media said that with the help of Bangladesh's top terrorist Shahadat Hossain, Noor Hossain, the mastermind behind the Narayanganj Seven Murder incident, was hiding in Kaikhali near Netaji Subhas Bose Airport on the outskirts of Kolkata. According to intelligence sources, Nur Hossain entered West Bengal through the Benapole border on May 7. After entering India, he visited several places for the whole month of May and rented a house in Kaikhali on June 5. Before that, Noor Hossain came under the notice of India's Central Intelligence Agency, NIA. According to the media, two days later the detectives identified Noor Hossain. But instead of arresting him, he was detained. Noor Hossain was arrested from the flat of Kaikhali.

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In the interrogation of the Kolkata police, Noor said that his two companions are in Kolkata. A search has already started for them. In the investigation, the police found out that Noor Hossain was already acquainted with the top terrorist Shahadat Hossain of Bangladesh. Shahadat once lived in Calcutta. Noor Hossain started living in Kolkata with the help of those with whose help he lived in Kolkata. Noor Hossain was looking for a safe haven. But Vidhibam was caught before Nur Hossain. The search for Noor Hossain's two companions and Shahadat is also continuing.

This post was last modified on জুন ১৮, ২০১৪ 10:38 am

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