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World Cup tidbits: Little fans, Messi and that video [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no shortage of people's interest in Argentina. Then if it is the matter of Messi then there is no word. Everyone, young and old, has a different interest in Messi. This short report is about a little fan and his VV.

Miniature fans & Messi

Argentina's first match at the World Cup in Brazil was against Bosnia. Before taking the field against Bosnia in the first game, according to the rules, children lined up to welcome Messi. At this time, a small fan broke the line and came forward to shake hands with Messi. But the Argentinian captain did not see this scene. That little devotee is suffering a lot. The innocent child just looked at Messi for a while in surprise. However, the organizers did not avoid the issue. They delivered that message to Messi after the match.

Messi himself was very surprised to hear. Messi invited that little fan to his room. The fan is excited to have Messi close to him. Not being able to shake hands at that time eventually turned into Messi's hug. Messi hugged him. The nearby FIFA officials are also overwhelmed by this scene.

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