Categories: general

All fruit shops in Dhaka are closed to protest the fine

The Dhaka Times Desk Fruit traders in the capital Dhaka have called for a strike against the mobile court campaign against formalin. No fruit shop opened in the capital today.

Yesterday, the mobile court launched an anti-formalin drive in which several traders were fined. Meanwhile, the traders called a strike to protest the confiscation of these fruits. Businessmen say, they themselves did not do this work. Formalin is mixed with the fruit from where it is being bought. That's why they have nothing to do. Fruit traders are claiming that the operation is not justified. The traders also attacked the police during the operation.

Meanwhile, those associated with the movement of consumer rights said that this statement of the traders is not acceptable at all. They will buy unfit fruit for business and applying the law for that unethical act will be wrong and it cannot be accepted. Those concerned with consumer rights say that the government should not make any concessions in this regard. The people of this country will not accept any concession to those who are playing with people's lives.

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This post was last modified on জুন ১৯, ২০১৪ 12:51 pm

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