The Dhaka Times
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Facebook down in different parts of the world including Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk For the past few hours, Facebook has been completely down in different parts of the world. Users could not log into Facebook despite many attempts.


Although not everyone around the world faced this problem at the same time, Facebook was down for some users. No Bangladeshi user could access Facebook from 2 pm on Thursday. Users were unable to access the desktop as well as the mobile version of Facebook. Meanwhile, as a result of not being able to login to the Facebook site, other services related to Facebook such as comment plugin, fan page box etc. were also affected by the problem.

After being down for about 40 minutes, Facebook has returned to its normal form from 2:40 PM, now Facebook is being used from all clients including mobile, desktop. However, Facebook sources have not yet confirmed why such a problem has occurred. Meanwhile, not only Bangladesh but also Facebook was closed all over the world for these 40 minutes. That is, for about 40 minutes, all Facebook-centric communication was stopped.

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