Categories: sport

Argentine coach Sabella and power conflict between Messi!

The Dhaka Times Desk Messi said at the press conference after Brazil's first match of the World Cup, he wants a more attacking team, but coach Sabella is playing defensively! This is why the conflict between the coach and Messi came up in the media.

Coach Alessandro Sabella's 'power struggle' with Lionel Messi! Messi's comments at the press conference after the match against Bosnia have been making the rounds. If that is the case, then they are enough to destabilize not only the other team but also the team against Argentina in the World Cup.

Sabella took a very defensive strategy early on against Bosnia. Argentina played in a 5-3-2 format, which Messi is not used to at all. It also affected the game. Argentina were disorganized in the first half. Argentinian Pran-Bhomra was also able to match himself. In the second half, Sabella reverted to the old 4-3-3 and some rhythm returned to Argentina's game.

Meanwhile, Messi objected to the coach's defensive strategy after that match. The Argentine wizard revealed that he was upset that he could not play his way against Bosnia. He wants Argentina to play a more aggressive game against Iran.

On the other hand, after Messi's statement, there was a rumor in the Argentinian media that Sabella and Messi are having a power struggle. However, Sabela claims that there is no dispute between them. And if there is such a conflict between the coach and the main players of the team, then every Argentinian fan can feel the state of the team.

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However, before today's match against Iran, Argentina's coach claims that he has no conflict with Messi. The overall atmosphere of the team is fine.

So why did Messi publicly criticize the coach's strategy? The question comes naturally. Isn't this a sign of conflict? Sabela remained steadfast in his previous statement on this question. Said, he was the one who allowed Messi to talk to the media. The Argentine coach also said that Messi can give his opinion on how Argentina should play. This is nothing new. The overall atmosphere of the team is fine.

Source: mirror

This post was last modified on জুন ২১, ২০১৪ 5:17 pm


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