The Dhaka Times
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Monsoon and village boats

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Sunday, 22 June 2014 Christ, 8 Ashad 1421 Bengal, 23 Saban 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Rain and village boats

Monsoon has started with the beginning of Asadha month. The scenario of village-Bangla is also changing. If you go to the village, you will see the boat now.

Boats will be the only means of movement of the village people from morning onwards. They have to do all the work of going to haat-bazar, Ganj by boat. So the scenario of the village will be like this now.

Boating during monsoons is quite fun. You can go on a boat at any time in the morning-afternoon. You can also go on a boat if you want. That's why you have to go to the countryside. The atmosphere there is perfect. You will see beautiful scenery. Your mind will be full. Thanks to the photographer for such a beautiful morning photo.

Photo: Courtesy of

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