The Dhaka Times Desk Last Thursday, Facebook, the largest social media platform, went down for about 30 minutes. In the event of this down of Facebook, the financial loss of the company is about 500,000 US dollars. The company's main income comes from advertising but since Facebook was down, users could not log into it, so the advertising income was stopped.
Forbes provides an account of Facebook's financial losses while it's down. In that they said that the financial loss of Facebook in this 30-minute down state is about 5 lakh US dollars. Facebook's revenue for the first quarter of this year was $2.5 billion. As such, Facebook's hourly income is about 1.6 million US dollars. As a result, the company lost about 500,000 USD in 30 minutes. In the event of Facebook being down, the price of Facebook's shares was suppressed in various stock exchanges of the United States on Friday. Share prices on the stock exchanges were depressed by about 14 percent. As a result, the share price dropped to about 23 US dollars.
Note that earlier in 2010, Facebook was down for 2 hours and 30 minutes due to such an outage. This was Facebook's biggest downfall ever. But in that down state, Facebook did not face so much financial loss that this time 30 minutes down has caused financial loss. Recently, Facebook bought WhatsApp for about USD 19 billion.
Reference:The Guardian