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What women need to prepare for a night out

The Dhaka Times Desk Wedding is a special day in women's life. But how to handle the wedding day or how to start a new life, women become depressed. Especially about the night of the full bed, many fears and curiosity accumulate in the mind. Know about the preparations that every woman should take before full bed.


Mental preparation is very important-
Even the pressure of the wedding day weakens the mind of every woman. One has to step into a new life before forgetting the pain of leaving loved ones. So all in all, most women are upset. So mental preparation is needed before bed. Convince yourself that this is the reality of life. Your husband is the closest person to you after marriage. So prepare your mind to accept him easily.

Every woman should get waxed before marriage. Unwanted body hair is very visible at the time of marriage. So it is better to do waxing before marriage. Women can do waxing at a good parlor or at home.


keeping clean-
It is very important to keep the bed clean at night. And so of course keep yourself clean during this time. If necessary, after removing the wedding makeup, take a bath with lukewarm water to clean yourself.

Using perfumes-
Fragrance always increases attraction. And so use a sweet fragrance at night. This will impress your partner and increase his attraction and love for you.

Know about birth control system-
The most important thing in the night of full bed is to take birth control. If you don't want to have a child immediately after marriage, you should plan ahead with birth control. In this you will not have to face any unwanted situation after marriage.

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