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Primark's clothing labels reflect the plight of garment workers

The Dhaka Times Desk The plight of hand-stitched workers written on Primark's clothing labels has received global media attention. The world's leading media have published reports on this incident. This issue was among the most widely read reports in the international media last Thursday.


So far, three women have found these heartwarming words on the labels of their summer clothes. The three women are from Swansea, Jones and Karen Winsinka from Northern Ireland. Rebecca, 25, from Swansea, was washing her clothes when she found the hand-stitched label reading 'Forced to Work Extended Hours'. This text moved him strongly. He immediately reported the matter to Primark. But they could not give any answer. After the news broke, another 21-year-old woman, Jones, said she saw a similar text on her clothing label, which read 'degrading sweatshop conditions'. It should be noted that these two women, although they do not know each other, bought their clothes from the Primark showroom for 10 pounds. Buyers of these garments are seeing it as a major protest against garment workers being made to work in hostile environment for long hours and low wages.


Jones said, "I was really saddened when I learned from the label about the hostile environment the workers had to work in." I buy a lot of clothes from Primark, but not anymore. This label taught me to think about how hard these clothes we love are made. Jones tweeted a photo of her outfit. "I felt like I was dying after wearing it," he wrote on Twitter. But later I found out that this label is found on more clothes of Primark. On the other hand, another customer from Northern Ireland, Karen Wissingska, complained that she found similar labels on the labels of two trousers she bought in Belfast. However, Primark's trousers are made by Chinese prison workers.


But a Primark spokesman later described the incident as 'unexpected and strange'. At the same time, he asked the buyers to return their clothes for investigation. He said, we are investigating how this additional label was added to the original label. We need to know the main point. These trousers were last ordered in 2009 and sold out in October of the same year.


It should be noted here that Bangladesh is one of the sources of Primark's clothing. After the Rana Plaza collapse in 2013, the garments located there found their clothing labels, much to the chagrin of the world. The company has recently announced assistance to the family members of the victims and the deceased in the incident. At the same time, it has also informed to take measures regarding fair working environment.

Reference: The Guardian
