Categories: recipe

Recipe: Carrot Darbari Halwa

The Dhaka Times Desk Halua is loved by everyone, but carrot darbari halua stands out among the various types of halua, with a royal feel and amazing taste. It was a popular item in the Indian Mughal courts. But why delay any more, let's find out how to make Darbari carrot halwa.

1. Carrot Korano 2 cups
2. Milk 3 liters
3. Ghee 4 tbsp
4. Malai 1 cup
5. Lachcha semai 1 cup
6. Sugar 4 cups
7. Half a teaspoon of cardamom powder
8. Half a teaspoon of saffron
9. A little rose essence
10. Raisins and crushed pistachios in quantity

Method: Rose essence and saffron should be soaked in 2 tablespoons of milk. Carrots should be boiled in 1 liter of milk, dried and fried with ghee. Heat 2 liters of milk and add sugar to 1 liter and when it boils, add ghee fried boiled carrots, laccha semai and cardamom powder. When it thickens, take it out of the oven with saffron, raisins, chopped pistachios and malai soaked in milk, pour it into a serving bowl and sprinkle pistachios and raisins on top and serve.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 10:43 am


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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