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Find out some interesting facts about the cockroach

The Dhaka Times Desk You will not find a person who is not fascinated by the light of Jonaki Pokar. If you see their twinkling light in the darkness of the night, you will think that the stars of the sky have come down to earth. The interesting thing is that there are many facts about cockroaches that none of us might know. Let's get to know those strange facts.

Even though gnats are called lighting bugs, they are neither flies nor bugs

Zonaki is called the lighting bug, but it is not actually a bug or a fly. Like other insects, they have two strong wings called elytra. They are straight on the back. These wings are used to balance the body and to fly. Basically they make a living by plucking the soft leaves of the trees. Besides, fireflies don't light up the whole year. During mating they light up to attract each other.

Zanaki is the world's best luminous insect

A typical electric lamp consumes 90% energy and produces only 10% light. But the insect can produce more light than this according to its body's ability. They produce this light through a chemical reaction inside the body. The interesting thing is that the firefly sometimes overheats its body in order to burn the light, sometimes it even burns its own body.

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Jonakis communicate with each other by light signals

Cockroaches attract each other by their body light signals during mating. The male cockatiel communicates his feelings to the female cockatiel by his light signal, and the interested female cockatiel communicates her positive response to the light signal. Then they meet in a less vegetated area. Bedbugs cannot go outside in daylight. Because their inner body becomes very hot due to the sunlight during the day.

Not all adult gnats can light up

Fireflies are primarily known for their light signals, but not all adult fireflies can light up. There are some gnats in different countries of the world, such as the gnats living in the western part of North America, which cannot use light to communicate even though they are a type of gnat. Until a time when it is time for them to meet, the chemicals inside the body are in a luminous state. As a result, they can light up the body.

Slug larvae depend on snails for feeding

Worm larvae are carnivores and their favorite food is a type of snail called escargot. Most species of gorse live in stagnant terrestrial habitats where they feed on snails and earthworms. But many species can respire underwater where they feed on underwater snails. Some weevils eat tree snails and live in trees.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৩০, ২০১৪ 2:07 pm

KA B Tohin

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