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The kind of preparation men need on wedding night

The Dhaka Times Desk A woman or a man's wedding night is a special night in every person's life. The wedding night is the first moment of two people living together after two people who are known or complete strangers have entered into a new life. And around this special night most of the people weave many kinds of dreams. So some preparation is needed before the wedding night. Today we will present to the readers of The Dhaka Times some preparations that men must take for the wedding night.

Mental preparation for the wedding night

Every man should prepare mentally for marriage. Most of the men do not have confidence or their confidence cracks when they step into a new life due to the daily hassle of marriage. But remember one thing women prefer confident men. So it is necessary to prepare mentally to make yourself confident. Also, before stepping into this new life, many people have various fears. All those fears in the mind should be thrown away.

Men's skin care and grooming

Most guys don't care about their skin and hair style or grooming before marriage. But boys also need to be aware of these things. Cut the hair in a beautiful style. Also get a facial at a good skin care parlor. Also maintain physical cleanliness. Of course, don't forget to use a nice fragrance for the wedding night.

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Birth control systems for couples

Most of the women in Bangladesh do not know about the birth control system and are not very aware about it. On the wedding night, they are usually so tense that you can't even discuss the matter with your partner. So don't rely on your wife for birth control on the wedding night. It is up to you to decide which birth control method to take and take the necessary measures accordingly.

Attitude to support wife emotionally

As per the norms of our society most of the marriages take place on family basis. As a result, the bride and groom are mostly strangers. As a result, most women are not mentally prepared for physical intercourse on their wedding night. That's why on the wedding night they expect a little help from their husband in this regard. Therefore, the wife should not force the matter on the wedding night itself. Along with that he should be given enough emotional support.

Buying gifts for the wife on the wedding night

Wedding night is a special night for your life as well as for your partner. And so you can buy a special gift for your wife to make this night more romantic and memorable. Give whatever gift you want, big or small, according to your ability. This little love of yours will impress your wife at the beginning of new life.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ২২, ২০১৪ 11:49 pm

KA B Tohin

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