The Dhaka Times Desk As the moon of Ramadan was not seen yesterday, Ramadan is starting from tomorrow. But in view of Ramadan, the prices of some daily necessities have increased abnormally. Eggplant is being sold at 80 taka per kg!
Purple is one of the items of Iftar in Ramadan. And it takes eggplant to make it. So before the start of fasting, the price of this brinjal has started increasing abnormally. Eggplant was sold yesterday at the price of 80 taka per kg. Eggplant which was priced at Tk 30 per kg a week ago is now selling at Tk 70 to Tk 80. But heavy rains are partly responsible for this. Prices of other vegetables also increased due to rain. For example, the prices of Patal data, bitter gourds, etc. are now skyrocketing. However, the prices of brinjal and green chillies have increased abnormally.
The Ministry of Commerce has banned the export of 5 essential products during Ramadan. But still the prices of these products have increased abnormally. A few days ago, potatoes were sold at the price of 18 to 20 taka per kg. But now desi potato is Tk 35 to Tk 40 per kg and white Tk 24, Kakarol Tk 30/35, Chichinga Tk 30/35, Sweet pumpkin Tk 20/25, Pumpkin (jali) Tk 25/30, Kachur Lati Tk 35/40, Ganjar 40/50 taka, cucumber 50/55 taka. Thus the price of all things is only increasing.
On the other hand, another essential item of Ramadan is soybean oil. It (open) is being sold at Rs 98 to 105 per litre. On the other hand, mustard oil is being sold at 140 to 150. Local lentil pulses are being sold at Tk 104 to 110 per kg, Mugdal at Tk 110/115, Indian lentil at Tk 80 per kg in the capital market. However, on the occasion of Ramadan, Sola is selling some products including sugar in TCB trucks several days in advance.
This post was last modified on জুন ২৯, ২০১৪ 12:21 pm
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ অনেকই সুজি খেতে খুবই ভালোবাসেন। তাই তারা প্রতিদিন সুজির পায়েস,…
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