Categories: general

Some bad habits of boys that every boy should know

The Dhaka Times Desk Boys are quite careless about their health. Even in terms of cleanliness, they lag behind girls. They often take these health unawareness and impurity of boys as normal. But all these things may seem insignificant and inferior in the eyes of others. So today we will highlight the bad habits of boys for the readers of The Dhaka Times.

Not taking good dental care

According to dentists, brushing should be done after waking up in the morning and after dinner. Girls seem to follow the rule of brushing their teeth twice a day and night. But various surveys have revealed that boys are quite indifferent about this. About 751 TP3T men brush their teeth at night with alchemy. There are even many boys who wake up late in the morning and leave for class without brushing their teeth. An unclean mouth can lead to dental and heart problems. Because if you don't clean your teeth after dinner, there is a viral infection in the food stuck between the teeth. So it is important for boys to be careful about this.

Not doing regular body checkups

Regular physical check-ups are mandatory for every person who gets a state health card abroad. But as there is no obligation in this field in our country, boys are seen quite indifferent to regular body checkup. If the fever persists for more than 1 week, they are reluctant to go to the doctor. If there is any major disease in the body, it can be caught at the early stage and cured if regular checkup is done. Besides, most boys practice their own medicine. For any kind of illness, they buy medicine from the pharmacy and consume it. Such things should be avoided. It can cause serious health damage.

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Itching in different parts of the body in open environment

Another bad and unhealthy habit boys fall into is itching anywhere on any part of their body. Sometimes boys are seen standing on the street or in a public place itching in different parts of the body. In the eyes of women, this matter seems very visible. If you sweat or if there is a fungal attack in any part of the body, the itching increases. So cleanliness is essential to get rid of this problem. If your body is regularly cleaned or cleansed, the bacteria will not attack and the body will not itch.

Smoking in public places

The most unhealthy habit of boys is smoking. A smoker does just as much harm to another non-smoker as he does to himself. As there is no ban on smoking in public places in our country, smokers can smoke anywhere anytime. Due to smoking, the body is affected by various diseases, and even many mental problems have to be faced. So it is better to give up the habit of smoking. And it should also be noted whether the person next to him is causing any irritation as a result of smoking.

Inserting finger in nose-mouth when then

Many men are seen doing this unsanitary act while walking on the streets. As awkward as this activity looks, it is harmful to health. If the hands are unclean, even this small matter can lead to serious diseases. So it is better to refrain from this act. And the caution for boys is that never do this in front of girls. They hate this very much.

Eating food with mouth full

Eating with a full mouth while eating is much more uncomfortable for the person in front of you. It is also very bad for your health. Eating food with a full mouth reduces the chewing of food, which causes many problems in digestion. It even causes stomach problems. Moreover, talking about a mouthful of food is quite embarrassing. This will humiliate you in front of others.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২১, ২০১৪ 10:52 am

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