The Dhaka Times Desk Although the saying that the king of fish is hilsa is like a proverb, it has its own truth. According to the information given by the Minister of Fisheries and Livestock in a recent event, 60 percent of the hilsa produced in the world is produced in Bangladesh.
The National Fisheries Week started with the slogan 'Food Textile Habitat, Fisheries Solution'. On the occasion of the National Fisheries Week, in a press conference organized in the meeting room of the Department of Fisheries recently, the Minister of Fisheries and Livestock Mohammad Chhayedul Haque said about hilsa fish that 2 lakh 24 thousand 102 fishermen families in 15 districts have been given financial support to maintain the success of hilsa fish production. He said, in the fiscal year 2012-13, the income from exporting fish and fish products was 4 thousand 313 crores.
The Minister of Fisheries and Livestock said that 60 percent of the world's hilsa fish is produced in Bangladesh alone. Hilsa contributes 10 percent to the total fish production in the country. Hilsa fish contributes 1 percent to GDP. He said that in the fiscal year 2008-09, the production of hilsa was 3 lakh metric tons. It increased to 3 and a half metric tons in the fiscal year 2012-13. The production of hilsa is gradually increasing. We are implementing the government policies to increase the production of hilsa. Because of this, it will be possible to increase the production of hilsa in the future.
Fisheries and Livestock also said that the fisheries sector is in a much better position now than in the past. Many important steps have been taken to bring more success in this sector. In the last 5 years, the average growth in fish production has been 5.88 percent.