Categories: health talk

Some light exercises to protect health during this fast

The Dhaka Times Desk Even if you don't eat all day during fasting, you eat more food than the amount at the end of the day. And in the fasting iftar, the list of food includes extra oily food. By eating these oily foods and not exercising, many people gain weight instead of losing it. Even if you want to keep your weight under control during fasting, no heavy exercise should be done at this time. So if you want to exercise during fasting, do some special light exercises.

Morning or afternoon walk

Many people have the habit of morning pilgrimage, but due to sleeping after sehri during fasting, they do not perform morning pilgrimage in the morning. So morning walk can be replaced by afternoon walk during fasting. Fasting is a month of moderation but the interesting thing is that during this fast we tend to overeat. And especially oily food. Which will increase the amount of fat in your body. So walk instead of running as a light exercise during the month of fasting. Those who go running in the morning or afternoon at other times of the year to control weight should walk instead of jogging during this time. Fasted running can have negative effects on your health.

Light yoga exercises at home

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Yoga is always a light but very effective exercise. You can practice yoga effortlessly by fasting. For this period of fasting, you can choose simple asanas of yoga exercises. Then try to do these yoga exercises regularly at home, you will see how the body feels neat. Moreover, yoga exercises do not require much space. You can do yoga right in your bedroom when you wake up in the morning. As it will not allow your body to accumulate excess fat, it will also not make you tired.

Aerobics to music

Aerobics is the movement of hands and feet to the beat of the music. This exercise is highly valued in western countries. People of all ages do this exercise as it is light but very effective. You can do this exercise during fasting. But you can do aerobics for 15 to 20 minutes every day without much effort. There are some specific music for aerobics while it can also be done along with various classical music. Aerobics equipment is available at stores that sell exercise equipment. You can do aerobics at home without any equipment.

Doing housework or gardening

A lot of calories are lost from the body by cleaning the house or doing garden work every day. And so doing housework or gardening can be an exercise option at this time. Housewives do their housework regularly. This work results in purification as well as exercise. Besides, women or men can take care of the garden which is both fun and healthy at the same time. Apart from this, many people are doing small garden in the balcony of their house. You can tend the garden in your small balcony. It will pass the time as well as exercise your body.

Observe caution in some cases

These exercises at home are very light, but in some cases, you must take the doctor's advice. If you have any kind of physical illness then it is better not to exercise while fasting. Drink plenty of water after Iftar. Because when exercising, a lot of water comes out of the body through sweat. Do not exercise if you experience nausea, dizziness, excessive weakness, blurred vision etc. Once the fasting month is over, go back to your previous exercise routine. Those who have heart related complications should be careful in indoor exercise or outdoor exercise.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ২৫, ২০১৪ 4:41 pm

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