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What to do if you have heartburn this Ramadan

The Dhaka Times Desk When Ramadan comes, various diseases and ailments start to attack. Various problems such as leg pain, stomach pain, gastric problems appear. In fact, even though it is a little problem, they often grow up to stay away from Ramadan.


Many may not like to hear the words. Because when Ramadan comes, the number of sick people already increases. Those with gastics are fine all year round. But when Ramadan comes, it will seem that he is no longer there! Ramadan fasting is especially common among those who are not in the habit of fasting. And if this is indeed the case, there is a cure. Therefore there is no need to abstain from fasting. So let's find out how you can fast in these problems.

Those who have peptic ulcer or gastric or those suffering from heartburn, can't fast? Can the complications of peptic ulcer increase due to prolonged fasting? This is the question of many. Especially those who never want to break their fast.

Generally, the stomach acid and peptic juice are less secreted in the fasting state. However, the smell of food or the thought of food increases their secretion. Abrupt changes in food schedule due to fasting during Ramadan, sleep disturbance, lack of water and excessive oily spicy fried food can aggravate your heartburn and this is normal. However, if there is more awareness, it is possible to get rid of this problem and keep fasting naturally.

# For those who smoke or consume alcohol, this is the best time to give them up.

# Eat fibrous carbohydrates like red wheat flour, brown rice, vegetables, but drink plenty of water to get the most out of it. Although red flour is available, it is difficult to get puffed rice.

# Chira, Yoghurt, Chickpea, Potatoes are very useful. Try eating them.

# Any food fried in deep oil can put you at risk.

# lean meat is very beneficial. So avoid fatty meats.

# Try to eat fruit instead of oily things like onion and purple at Iftar and Sehri. Try eating bananas and dates which are very beneficial fruits. But the less fruit juice is consumed, the better. Because it can increase heartburn.

# Drink at least 10 to 15 glasses of water from Iftar to bedtime and 2/3 glass at Sehri to avoid dehydration. You can also eat different sherbets with it. Tea and coffee can cause dehydration by increasing the amount of urine. Therefore, drink less tea and coffee.

# Try not to eat too much of any food at once. The amount of Sehri should be the amount of your lunch. And there is no problem if the amount of dinner is the same. Do not lie down immediately after eating Iftar or Sehri. Walk around the house for a while and then sleep. Moreover, exercise cannot be done after eating Iftar or Sehri.

# People who already suffer from peptic ulcer should continue treatment as advised by the doctor. Anti-ulcer medicine must be taken at Sehri.

Dr. United Hospital Department of Medicine. Nazmul Kabir Qureshi advised to follow the above rules properly and keep heartburn and ulcers under control and keep fasting uninterruptedly. Because if he controls himself, the great Rabbul Alamin will not deprive him of this month of mercy. If you have a good will, you will be able to live a healthy life inshallah.

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