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Check out some plants that will keep your indoor environment pollution free

The Dhaka Times Desk NASA researchers have found in a recent study that there are some indoor plants that absorb toxic indoor air and keep the house pollution free. Such plants can be used as an effective weapon to keep indoor air clean.


These indoor pollutants have serious harmful effects on our health. The chemicals responsible for this indoor pollution are formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Such gases affect our body resulting in sick building syndrome. This results in headache, allergies, nervous system disorders. In a recent study, scientists found that there are some known indoor plants that purify indoor air. Today we will highlight those trees for the readers of The Dhaka Times.


1. Here is Pam

It is well known as an indoor plant. It is also called butterfly palm. These trees are usually about 10 feet in height. The humid environment inside the house plays a helpful role in their development.


2. Lady Pam

It is commonly known as Rapis. One of the best-known plants for enhancing indoor beauty. Lady Palm grows very slowly. Also they are up to 1 foot or one and a half feet in height.


3. Rubber plant

Indoor environment is conducive to their growth. Generally, parts of the house that receive little sunlight are conducive to its growth. These plants range from 8 inches to 5 inches in height.


4. Dracina

Dracina can grow up to 10 inches long and spread about 3 inches across. They need direct light to grow. Also a humid environment inside the house is helpful for them.


5. date palm

Another popular plant for enhancing indoor beauty. It grows very slowly and reaches a maximum height of 8 feet. It is best to keep it away from children's play areas as its trunk is cut. It can survive in any type of dry environment.


6. Bamboo palm

It is also known as reed palm. These types of plants require direct light to grow. Also the environment around it should be moist.


7. peace lily

Known as the peace lily, this indoor plant grows to a maximum height of 3 feet and a spread of 2 feet. It requires low light and high humidity areas of the room.

Reference: Eartheasy

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