The Dhaka Times Desk Just as boys notice the qualities of girls, girls also notice certain things in boys. At first sight the inner form of a man is not properly understood. So the attention goes to the external things that attract. Today we will highlight those issues for the readers of The Dhaka Times.
Physical build
The first thing girls notice when looking at boys is their physical appearance. In physical structure, height, health, eyes, hair, appearance etc. are considered first. Surveys show that girls are more attracted to healthy boys than dry hangla boys.
Sense of style
The second thing that catches the eye of girls in guys is the guy's sense of style. Although not very stylish, the taste of the selection of clothes is the first thing that catches the attention of girls. According to girls, boys in formal clothes look more attractive than boys in casual clothes. As girls themselves spend most of their time looking for style and clothing, their focus is on fashion and style sense.
self confidence
Girls prefer confident guys. Confident guys are more direct about themselves, they are more dominating. Although girls do not say this dominating thing, they like it very much in their hearts. Girls like guys who don't accept everything a girl says and express their clear opinions.
Girls prefer boys with personality. A guy can be very funny but if he doesn't have personality then he won't attract girls. People who have personality and sense of humor at the same time are easily noticed. Totally serious guys don't like girls. So girls don't forget to see that the boy has some kind of personality at first sight.
Speech patterns and manner of speaking to others
Girls like guys who can talk on time and opportunity. You can make him laugh, whose words do not feel resentful. That's why girls love boys with beautiful speech. Also observes what kind of language the boy is talking to another person.
Reference: Times of India
This post was last modified on জুলাই ৯, ২০১৪ 11:10 am
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