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Bangladesh-India maritime boundary case verdict will be announced today

The Dhaka Times Desk Today, the verdict on the settlement of the Bangladesh-India maritime boundary dispute will be announced. However, the full details of this verdict will be known tomorrow, Tuesday, according to the sources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


According to media sources, the decision to settle the Bangladesh-India maritime border dispute was supposed to be announced earlier, but it was delayed due to some reasons. This verdict will be announced on Monday. However, the full details of the verdict are not available today. Full details of this case will be available tomorrow Tuesday.

Citing sources, the media reported that the International Permanent Court of Arbitration located in The Hague will announce the verdict on the settlement of the Bangladesh-India maritime boundary dispute today. According to the rules of the court, the details of the judgment will be published the next day, i.e. tomorrow, Tuesday.


The lawyers handling the case on behalf of Bangladesh feel that they are very optimistic about the way Bangladesh's arguments and claims have been established in the judgment. If the Bangladesh-India sea boundary is determined through this judgment, both countries will get the opportunity to freely use the sea resources in the interest of the country. It is known that the presentation of arguments in this case was completed in December last year. It was informed at that time that the verdict will be announced within 6 months. Last June it crossed 6 months.

It is known that the reason for going to the case is that India has been arguing to draw a line of equal distance (equidity) to determine the Bangladesh-India maritime boundary. India was saying that the boundary line would be 162 degrees from the sea coast. On the other hand, since the coastal line of Bangladesh is concave, Bangladesh's argument for drawing the boundary line on the basis of equity is that the line will be 180 degrees from the main point of the land towards the sea. As the matter was not resolved at the policy-making level of both countries, a case was later filed in the international court. Bangladesh filed a case on this issue at the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague on 8 October 2009.

It is to be noted that in the past, Bangladesh-Myanmar maritime boundary disputes have resulted in lawsuits. In that case, the verdict was in favor of Bangladesh.

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