Categories: recipe

Recipe: Potato Burgers

The Dhaka Times Desk Snacks potato burgers can be made with evening tea and coffee. This delicious fast food recipe is for you.

- 2 boiled potatoes (large)
- 2 burger buns
- 1 chopped onion
-Ginger 1 tsp
- 1 teaspoon of minced garlic
- 1 chopped tomato
- Capsicum Kuchi – 2 tbsp
- Chopped coriander leaves 1 tablespoon
- 1 teaspoon chopped raw chili
- 3 tbsp grated paneer (can omit if desired)
- 1 tablespoon of butter (mayonnaise can be used instead)
- Lettuce, onion rings, tomatoes cut into rounds – as required
-Oil as required
- Salt as needed

the system

-Fry the chopped onion in a little oil in a pan. Add ginger, chopped garlic, chopped tomatoes, chopped capsicum, chopped coriander leaves, chopped green chillies and salt and fry for some time.

- Boil the potatoes and peel them and mash them well.

-Now mix the boiled potatoes with grated cheese and the pre-fried mixture very well.
Once kneaded, make 2 burger patties from this mixture. Fry two burger patties in a pan with a little oil until brown.

- Now cut the burger bread from the middle and bake it in a pan. Butter one side of the burger bun and place the lettuce first. Place onion rings and tomato rings one by one on it and arrange a patty.

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-Place the rest of the bread with the lettuce once more. You can also give cheese slices if you want.

- Now stick the burger with the help of a toothpick.

Serve hot with sauce or chutney.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 10:18 am


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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